衝突する to collide against/with【中国語でなんて言う?】


❶侧面撞上栏杆 = skidded into a guardrail 

(*栏杆 guardrail, railings [lángān])

= ガードレールに擦る


= Due to the heavy rain, the field of vision was blurred; as a result, I pumped a lamp post

= 大雨のため視界がぼやけて街灯にぶつかった

(*视野 = field of vision, view [shìyě])

(*模糊 = blur, obscure [móhu])

(*灯柱 = lamp post [dēngzhù])


= I was suddnly crashed by something quickly flew by 

= 何か早いものに突然当たった


= all of a sudden, the car crashed into a rock 

= その車はいきなり岩に衝突した
(*岩石 = rock [yánshí])